These are the chapters of my life…
The woman behind the lens… That is me, Aprilynn Taylor!
It took me years to truly write this , know who I am and why did I really choose photography?!
WELL can we say “GOD chose photography for me” As I have been through a trying but amazing lifetime of ups and downs , I think of the world and I look at all the amazing people and places and the “Whole wide world” GOD created and it is like looking out of the lens of GOD.. “Eyes like a shutter, mind like a lens” I became a mom at the young age of 16 and just so you know I would not change one thing in my lifetime, it has all built me to the final woman I am today. I have the biggest heart, I am genuine, truly love everyone and even through the obstacles in life, I have always had faith that no matter what “Everything happens for a reason”
At 23 “I built and branded “Starrella Photography” This year marks my “10th anniversary…
At 21 I lost my big sister and little did I know I would long for photos of us that I barely had. “Stars in the sky for Tiffany” and “Ella, the baby girl I was blessed to have as a teenager” who truly changed me into the strong mama I am today…
HELLO “Starrella Photography” During the last few years I have truly lost myself and fought as hard as I can to rebuild that girl I lost including branding my business with complete emotion , but who was she “I ask myself?! Without GOD, faith and prayer I would not be where I am today. I am thankful for the Bible verses instilled in me as a little girl, the time and effort my daddy in heaven put in speaking his testimony of faith. Little did I know at the age of 33 I could put my own testimony on paper , in words… I have cried, been lost, scared, angry all the emotions trying to not lose myself completely in the midst of life and the trials we all face. So as I sit here it is “2022” my 10th year as a photographer, I am SO proud to say “GOD has a plan for everyone”
Photography is my gift to others, it makes my heart happy , it makes my heart complete and through all the friendships and relationships I have been blessed enough to have, I have been able to keep a little piece of me to accumulate to the woman I am today! A perfectly imperfect fearless , faith following, Jesus loving woman. The biggest hugs from Ms.April as I always say and the biggest thanks to all my supportive amazing families in Southern Maryland and surrounding areas! Y’all are the best , even if you made me smile during an hour session it made my whole day and led me up to who I am now! I still have a lot more years to give and I continue to grow in the best , most amazing way I can and through this chapter I have Jesus and a purpose… “Happy girls are the prettiest girls” Love always, Aprilynn .. Here’s to 10 more years y’all.
“Remember who you are” stuck in my head hard and rebranding to Starrella Photography by Aprilynn will forever be such an amazing testimony to my life 

“You never see the hard days in a photo album but those are the ones that get you from one happy snap shot to the next”
LETS LIVE LIFE for JESUS as the happiest people we can be!!

Aprilynn + babes